Insulation is a practical and extremely cost effective way to increase your home or building's energy efficiency for all seasons.

Most homes use well over 50% of their energy use on cooling and heating. Lack of proper insulation is one of the leading causes of high utility bills and energy waste; having inadequate and/or improperly installed insulation. Having your home properly insulated provides multiple benefits; it's the main barrier to keep heat inside your home and the freezing cold out in the winter and keep the hot baking heat in the summer outside while maintaining a cooler atmosphere inside.

Installing Insulation "Wrong" is Easy to Do

Either it's the wrong type for the application or incorrect installation procedure and/or it doesn't perform as advertised...Sound familiar? Even a lot of professionals have been getting it wrong for years, even decades.

At New Look's Renovations we've pretty much seen it all, as well as dealt with all types of insulation applications and scenarios. You have to know the ins and outs of insulation to know what types and where to use them. There is no one type of insulation for all jobs and applications; furthermore doing the job wrong using the wrong materials will only cost you more in the long-run. At New Look's we asses the details of the job at hand, taking into account cause and effect to provide better, longer lasting solutions when it comes to insulation.

New Look's Installs Blown-In, Rigid Foam, Cellulose, Spray Foam, Batt & Rolled Fiberglass and Radiant Heat Reflective Barrier and More - The Right Way!

We offer whole home and business insulation services including:

  • Attic Insulation and Sealing
  • Garage Insulation and Sealing
  • Basement Insulation and Sealing
  • Crawlspace Insolation and Sealing
  • Floor Insulation and Sealing

  • Wall Insulation and Sealing
  • Sound Proofing
  • New Construction Insulating and Sealing
  • Rigid Insulation
  • Air Sealing

Read-on to learn more about some of the different services New Look's offers and the insulation that is typically used for those types of applications.

The Attic; Air Sealing First, Insulation Next, Sometimes Both at the Same Time

Heat naturally rises up, it does the same in your home or building. The attic is usually the biggest factor in energy loss when heating or cooling. Proper, adequate sealing and insulation is essential, easy, cost effective solution to lowering your utility bills sometimes generating savings upwards of 40 to 50 percent. Many attics or overhead crawl spaces already have insulation, however most them don't have sufficient insulation or was incorrectly installed without taking into consideration the R-value for the space. Most homes and many businesses have a reported R-value of 19 or lower, not to mention overtime air leaks can form from settling, damage and maintenance neglect.

The proper R-value recommended by the U.S. Department of Energy is between R-49 and R-60; that's considerably higher than the reported average.

New Look's Can Upgrade Your Attic or Crawlspace Insulation

  • Make Sure Everything is Air Sealed Properly

    Heated or cooled interior air rises and escapes through air-leaks, using a sealant, in many cases spray foam prior to adding your main insulation medium if very important to attic and overhead space insulating, skipping this step is like throwing money right out the window; it wouldn't matter how high an R-value is for the insulation used because the insulation wouldn't be able to perform anywhere close to its actual rated R-value. Proper air sealing can significantly increase the comfort level in any house or building; it also improves the overall air quality by stopping dam moist air from traveling into any any other areas while reducing pollutants and contaminants in the air your breathing, heating and cooling. With improved overall comfort air sealing your attic or overhead spaces additionally reduces any drafts even those from your floors because the stack effect is slowed considerably. There is much less air being pulled into your home or building at the lower levels because there is much less or no air escaping at the top.
  • If Insulation Levels Are Too Low

    Even insulation with a high R-value won't insulate like it should. If you look across your attic or crawlspace and you can easily see the floor joists, more insulation is needed. Adding blown-in cellulose, pellets or shredded fiberglass will perform best here; even overtop a layer of spray foam used to air seal by means of a method called "full-coverage" which in itself adds to the overall R-value especially when applied at a depth of one to two inches. Increasing the depth and density of insulation allows for slower rate of thermal conductivity which naturally occurs. Making sure it is evenly and well distributed goes along way when trying to improve thermal efficiency in any home or building.

  • Lower Radiant Heat Transfer

    Highly effective reflective materials; blankets, sheeting, boards and tapes used along the overhead rafters and the underside of your home or building roof is a great way to reduce the effects of radiant heat transfer that naturally occurs and allows your insulation medium to perform at peak rating by reducing hot spots before conductive heat transfer occurs from surface to insulation. Heat generated from radiant energy makes your attic hot just like the inside of a vehicle sitting out in the sun. You know what that feels like - you open the door and just about get scorched let alone trying to get right in and sit especially if it's vinyl interior, forget all that. Radiant heat left unchecked builds up continually until the interior is hotter than the exterior, in hot summer months your air conditioning system will have to work twice as hard to keep things cool; costing you a small fortune.
  • Remember, Attics Need Ventilation

    Many "Do-It-Yourselfers" and even a lot of "Professionals" forget these spaces need proper ventilation; which is usually handled by the soffits on the exterior of the roof with venting to maintain. Soffits are an important part of a roof that vents the attic or overhead space between the roof and ceilings. What happens is they get "sealed over without any thought," this can cause a lot of expensive problems down the road. Learn more about the importance of soffits and other roof features on our siding, soffit and fascia install and repair section. We've seen and know what kind of serious damages this can cause and when adding any elements (sealers and insulators alike) improperly; New Look's pre-preps these areas ahead of time adding baffles to these areas so when sealing and insulation is done there is a space left adequate enough for the soffits to perform the way they are intended to, providing proper ventilation.

Attics and overhead spaces are the biggest loss of energy when they aren't sufficiently and properly sealed and insulated.

Home and Business Air Sealing

Reduce drafts, stop air infiltration and lower your utility bills with professional air leakage testing and sealing

The sad truth is most homes and many businesses, especially in the Upstate and Central New York area's have air leaks that cost a noticeable amount of money in energy cost in relation to heating and cooling. New Look's Renovations has the know-how and experience with proven solutions that can turn any leaky, drafty home or building into an efficient comfortable environment. saving you money. We can determine where and what types of improvements and updates are needed and recommend the most efficient ways to improve those areas using an arsenal of techniques to seal any gaps and holes throughout.

To put it simply the amount of energy lost to air leaks in the average home or building is equivalent to leaving one or two windows wide open (sometimes more) all year round, doesn't matter if your trying to heat or cool the air inside, it's getting out and it's costing you money. What you may perceive as leaks or little gaps certainly add up to big costs. Did you go behind the cable/internet or phone installer after services were installed to seal up where they drilled thru; they surely won't, they don't care if you do either - your lucky if they even install a proper wall plate these days let alone seal up and insulate the area they just drilled through. In many cases after years of weather especially extreme temperature changes those area are the first to get worse and often times are leading areas where bugs get in - nesting, destroying, invading your space, and well...go to the bathroom and even die in there.

Aside from service installers and well - bugs, there are so many unseen spaces, gaps and holes in and around any given house or building that allow air to leak and pass thru. From the moment any house or building is built, it had air leaks in it. Carpenters, framers, plumbers and electricians create these spaces or gaps as they work. Frame joints, wooden beams and studs, holes for pluming and electrical line all leave gaps; you might not see them but they are there. Homes and building aren't solid one piece structures, there made of thousands upon thousands of different parts and components all attached together. At pretty much everyone of those joints and junctions is a gap or some sort of space where air can pass-thru. Many of those holes, spaces and gaps were needed, however they leave plenty of space for air to leak.

The spaces throughout your home or businesses construction vary in size. There are small gaps around electrical outlets and switches. Larger spaces around areas of plumbing fixtures and pipes. Don't forget lighting fixtures and ceiling fans, there is plenty of room for air to escape up and out from those areas alone. Having professionals test to find these leaks and determine the amount of actual air loss is important when air-sealing. Once leaks have been located and depending on where, New Look's Renovations can recommend and provide the best air sealing techniques available for the appropriate applications needed.

Always Air Seal Before Insulating

Insulating before air sealing or not air sealing at all won't make your home or building more energy efficient even if your insulating with an insulator that has a higher than the minimum recommended R-value. Insulation is designed to slow the transference of heat and cold by conduction, not air flow. If the air is still flowing after adding insulation, air sealing becomes exponentially more difficult because the gaps and spaces are now buried under layers of added insulation.

Here's a list of general areas that should be sealed before insulating:

  • Spaces around pipes
  • Space around chimneys
  • Gaps around ductwork
  • Where framing joins walls
  • Ceiling lights and fixtures
  • Pull-down stairs to attics and overhead spaces

  • Along rim joists
  • Around window frames and door jams
  • Around basement windows
  • Around outlets and fixtures.
  • The gaps where pluming enters/penetrates
  • Just about anywhere there is a gap or space from construction

In many cases (not all) a two-part waterproof expanding foam can be used. The foam expands to fill in spaces, gaps and cracks; acting as an insulator as well. Spray foam can effectively and efficiently insulate and seal air leaks all at once.

You will immediately see the difference air sealing makes; numbers don't lie, you can save a small fortune starting with your very first utility bills after having your home or business professionally air sealed.

You can save upwards of 20 to 40 percent, sometimes even more if paired with properly installed insulation when having your home or building professionally air sealed. Once it's been done you never have to worry about doing it again, there is no additional maintenance or future costs required.

Blown-in Cellulose, Fiberglass and Pellets

Insulation that is blown-in can be an easy to apply and very effective solution when you have poor overhead and attic insulation.

If your looking for an environmentally friendly and effective insulation option, cellulose is a great choice being made from natural materials such as wood, plant fiber and recycled materials plus has an added R-value of 4 per inch. Cellulose is also coated in a non-toxic borate solution which gives the material a Class-1 fire and safety rating. Blown-in fiberglass and pellets which are synthetic have about the same R-value as cellulose and won't ignite by fire, however it can melt under extreme heat above 1000 degrees Fahrenheit (540 degrees Celsius). Both provide better sound dampening compared to rolled-batt fiberglass insulation.

Blown-in insulation can be used in walls, attics, overhead spaces, ceilings, floors and crawl spaces.

Check out these benefits when choosing blow-in insulation over other forms:

  • Increased Indoor Comfort
  • Reduced Outside and Room to Room Interior noises
  • Improved Efficiency of Heating and Cooling Systems

  • Increases Property Value
  • Healthier Environment

Even though other insulation options may prove to be less expensive, they aren't nearly as effective at filling the many different spaces and cavities in ceilings, walls and floors.

...more information coming soon. The New Look's website is under construction.

In the meantime if you need an estimate or have any questions contact us today at (315) 651-5911 you can also use our online "Contact Form." or our online "Free Estimate Request Form"